…summer is such a great time to get out and see America…i have been fortunate enough to be able to take off for a few weeks here and there and get out and stretch my legs…in july i {along with my daughter} drove from AZ to IND, we passed through 12 states and got to take in some old and new sites… we have also taken some time to explore life in our ‘backyard’ {Arizona}…this past weekend we spent Saturday at Organ Pipe National Monument, and Sunday was spent riding the Verde Canyon Railroad…{which is sooo cool!!!i think it is better than the Grand Canyon Trail out of Williams}… then, this friday my good friend Karyn, from CA is flying out and we are going on six state/six day trekk to Seattle Washington!! {which is one of my favorite cities ever!} Karyn and I joke that it is our Mecca {the original starbucks}, she is a starbucks manager and i am an ex-barista…its going to be amazing…enjoying life!! Here are just a few of my favorites from my summer…wanna read more about my summer adventures {and more photos!}…check out http://www.iehoskins.com