::morePARKER::phoenix children photographer::
...here are some more gems from Parker's nine month shoot...so fun!!
::Senior Portraits:: Phoenix Photographer::
...this month is booked with newborns, families, weddings and senior portraits...i love my job... i just wanted to put out there that i am headed up to Payson Saturday March 20th for a senior shoot...if any of you guys out there are wanting to update your family portraits or seniors want some rockin' photos, i am still booking for Saturday March →
::morePARKER::phoenix newborn photographer::
...here are just a few more from our shoot yesterday...sucha handsome lil' fella...can't wait to see how different he will be at his nine month session!!!...
::hartung teasers::phoenix newborn photographer::
...i had such a blast shooting parker today!!...its just so cool to be a part of my clients lives, to be invited time after time to capture their moments...it sweetness!!...here are just a few of paker from his six month session... (i cant believe he is already 6 months old! i remember shooting him when he was just seven days →