::Alex:: Phoenix High School Senior Photographer::
...this is Alex and he is one pretty cool guy!... he is a senior at Bioscience High School, {to be honest, i never knew this school exsisted!} he is uber smart and is headed to NAU next year with plans for becoming a vet... he brought his adorable dogs with him to the shoot...suchCUTIES!!...
::Jesse:: Verrado Senior Portraits::
....ok, here are just a few more of my favorites from Jesse's Shoot on Saturday...
::Portraits In The Pines::
Dolce Studio Photography & Design is so excited to be offering this limited time engagement. Join us up in the cool mountain air amongst the pines for your beautiful family portraits. It is the perfect time to update those family photos. This special is open to everyone: high school seniors, families & engagement sessions...come one come all! When: Saturday, September →
... i cant help but think about when i gradutated highschool... ugh!! could it really have been nine years ago?!.. it honestly feels like i just walked down that big aisle to get my dipolma... it makes me feel really old to know that i have been out of HS that long... i bring this up because i got to →